A graduated approach COURSE

SEND: A Graduated Approach Course has been designed to allow a full spectrum of school staff to gain knowledge about a wide range of special educational needs that are common within mainstream and specialist settings.
Our indepth course offers a simple, yet informative method of gaining a deeper understanding of specific needs.
The course can be beneficial for early career teachers and more experienced teachers alike, we would also recommend it for SENDCO’s who wish to learn more about SEND in general or who have a specific training need for staff in their setting.
Key points:
Inclusivity: The course is designed to cater to the diverse learning needs of children with special education needs. It will help teachers & TA's focus on creating an inclusive classroom environment where every child feels valued and supported.
Professional Development: Teaching staff will have access to training that will effectively address the needs of students with various disabilities, learning differences, and special requirements. This training will empower schools to provide individualised support.
Curriculum Integration: The course can be seamlessly integrated into your existing curriculum. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including differentiated instruction, assistive technologies, behaviour management, and collaboration with specialists.
Parent and Community Involvement: YogaBugs believe in building a strong partnership with parents and the wider community. The course will encourage active involvement of parents and caregivers in the educational journey of their children.

This course is split into manageable units:

Whole Course Overview
To understand what the key areas of need are for SEND;
To understand what a ‘Graduated Approach’ is and how this should be organised to support learners effectively;
To gain knowledge about a wide range of common SEND issues across all of the categories of need;
To build a toolbox of strategies and ideas that will work for a wide range of common areas of SEND;
To enhance the skillset of all staff working with SEND children so they gain more effective outcomes for all;
To promote all teachers as confident teachers of SEND children.

How is it delivered?
Training is delivered in small chunks so you can access what you need, when you need it.
The course is accessible online with video presentations that can be viewed indefinitely. It can be delivered as a training course within your school or teachers can choose modules, they want to know more about with complete flexibility to suit you school's needs.
Use it to deliver a training day within your school, or have teachers watch at their leisure.